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Need help to chill the F*$k out right now?? everyone does sometimes

Just like anything stress is accumulative.

Most happy and successful people retain a positive, calm mind-set. These people are not holding their stress in their body and mind. They are actively choosing to let it go and manage their mindset. stress turns negative often.

If you are looking for more abundance, joy and ease in your days I highly recommend finding ways to release the stress, and not letting it accumulate.

If you have allowed stress to accumulate; you may find yourself having difficulty sleeping, reaching for unhealthy eating and drinking habits, being grumpy, irritable and less efficient. I know that when I’m stressed I will drop things, trip over, write messy, will have trouble retaining important information and snap at anyone.

Now there will be times in your life when living this way is okay, but it is not suitable, enjoyable and recovery will be longer if you don’t find some healthy tools to lean on,.


This is where our lavender roller has been perfect for me, it is a way to incorporate mindful moments into my day, utilizing the aroma therapy of our organic lavender to soak into my skin and nose. I find myself slowing and breathing better. Also just the fact that I have stopped and said yup I need help to chill the F*$k out right now is one step towards improvement and every step counts in this game!


Drinking is a big part of my families culture, ‘I need a wine’ was said a lot in our home, and often as adults we were given alcohol when we were upset to help calm us. Having something other than this bad habit has been so helpful to my healing..or something to help me not get to this place.. . but wait there is more.


we use the lavender roll on for:

Bee stings

sore muscles

itchy bites

as perfume

Honestly it is a go to every single day!

We have priced it cheap so everyone can enjoy our magic lavender and almond calmer. you can get it here 

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