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re-learning living


I honestly believe that the expectations on us woman are to intense, something needs to change so we can relax and show our daughters its cool to be content, to be relaxed to be in the moment. Otherwise we may just perpetuate this concept of constant out-put with minimal input.

The challenge for my peers and I at the moment, in our mid-thirties is that we actually don’t know how to stop, unless we have drink in our hand. We were busy building our careers, fell into mother motherhood and never stopped running, pulling everything together as the days pass along with our habbits of our twenties.

I like to use each moment efficiently and so learning to take it slow and be in the moment without planning the next is a real journey for me.

 That’s why natural tools can be so helpful! A little lavender oil to soothe the nervous system. A smoke wand to keep you present. A white sage mist to slow you down and shift the energy.

Free tools are also good. I’ve taken to writing poetry as a way of active reflection, to ponder my life while doing something. Yoga is another active way to slow down along with meditation (the hardest and most effective). Of course I would advocate to blend the plant based tools with the free tools to make the most of your precious time.

The most appealing part of taking time for myself, is that my children learn that this is something that adults do. That it is okay to feel feelings and admit that you need to take a break. That actively addressing one’s inner discomfort is a healthy action not a indicator of weakness.

Im not claiming to have all the answers, all I know is that we can’t keep doing the same thing, expecting to be happier. Make conscious changes in our decision making is an essential part of positive change.

When my kids were babies (youngest turns five on Tuesday) I spent all our extra money on them trying to get them right, you see I thought if I could just get them to go to sleep (reflux babies) then maybe things with me (mind and body) would just fall back in to place… hahaha well six long years of sleep deprivation latter, I’ve had a lot of cleaning up to do… my body took a massive hit while I was busy investing in everyone but myself…oh if I had my time again…

Just some thoughts.. I hope this contributes to you

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